Shawn Mendes song covers by amazing busker Allie Sherlock. In the following videos, Allie performs some of the top famous songs of Shawn including ‘Señorita,’ ‘In My Blood,’ and more.


An original song by Shawn Mendes and his girlfriend Camila Cabello. In this video, Allie performs with her friend Saibh Skelly. Watch other covers of Saibh Skelly from here.

In My Blood

If I Can’t Have You

Treat You Better

Bad Reputation

Tip Allie Sherlock: PayPal

Watch More: The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson – Allie Sherlock cover

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BJ Music
As a article writer my passion is to discover latest trends in the music industry, provide accurate news to the world and discover whats next. I am happy to provide information for music enthusiasts about their favorite artists and music videos.